Platform rules & Policies / December 2022

These Rules are valid for any individuals, legal entities or individual entrepreneurs (hereinafter referred to as the “Licensees”) who have concluded an agreement with PROWEB LLC (hereinafter referred to as the “Licensor”) or who have accepted a public offer on granting the right to use the platform and its support services (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”), and are, in accordance with clause 16.2 of the Agreement, an integral part of it.

1. The licensee is not allowed to:

1.1. Use the resources of the PROWEB platform for illegal purposes, including for conducting activities in violation of applicable law.

1.2. Send promotional e-mails (spam) without the consent of the recipient. At the same time, the concept of “spam” is defined by the well-known “standards for the use of the Internet”, posted on the Internet and which are the custom of business turnover.

1.3. Send spam through third-party servers indicating the site hosted on the resources of the PROWEB platform (passive spam).

1.4. Place advertisements or other announcements (links) on sites and forums whose rules prohibit these actions.

1.5. Place, transmit any information or software that contains viruses or other harmful components that can harm third-party software.

1.6. Place and / or distribute any information, the distribution of which is prohibited by the legislation of the EU or other countries.

1.7. Copy, post and / or distribute materials (software, music or video files, etc.) obtained in violation of the current legislation of the EU, or materials that are fully or partially protected by copyright or related rights, without the written permission of the author / copyright holder of the posted material.

1.8. Post and / or distribute pornographic materials, deception schemes and other similar information.

1.9. Use torrent in any form.

1.10. Produce advertising of goods, services or other products, the distribution of which is prohibited or restricted by the current legislation of the EU.

1.11. Place and / or disseminate information about third parties that is not true, or insults the honor, dignity, business reputation of third parties, both individuals and legal entities.

1.12. Place and/or disseminate information promoting violence or extremism, inciting racial, national or religious hatred.

1.13. Process personal data of third parties without the consent of the subjects of personal data and in the absence of other grounds for their processing.

1.14. Post on any forums messages that do not correspond to the subject of this forum.

1.15. Use a falsified IP address when posting or transmitting information on the Internet. Scan nodes and elements of the Internet to detect open ports, etc. without the written consent of the site / server owner.

1.16. Use non-existent or fake return email addresses when sending email letters.

1.17. Perform actions that are aimed at disrupting the standard functioning of any equipment on the Internet. Excessively overload the equipment of third parties, which will make it difficult to access this equipment.

1.18. To attempt unauthorized access to the Licensor’s own resources, as well as to Internet resources owned by third parties, without the written consent of the latter.

1.19. Use the resources of the PROWEB platform to provide mass services (for example, a public mail service, etc.).

1.20. Use the resources of the PROWEB platform to carry out activities to maintain a distributed platform and create new blocks with the opportunity to receive remuneration in the form of new units and commission fees in various cryptocurrencies (mining, extraction of cryptocurrency, etc.).

1.21. Perform fraudulent activities: fishing, carding, fraud (including mass registration of accounts to one email address), etc. Use the resources of the PROWEB platform in other illegal purposes.

1.22. Use the computing power resources of the PROWEB platform by programs, including:

a) proxy servers;
b) cheat programs;
c) programs-scanners, checkers and others;
d) gateway pages (doorways).

1.23. Carry out actions aimed at obtaining unauthorized access to equipment or information resource that does not belong to the Licensee, the subsequent use of such access, as well as the destruction or modification of software or data that does not belong to the Licensee, without the consent of the owners of this software or data, or the administrators of this information resource. Unauthorized access refers to access by any means other than assumed by the owner of the resource.

1.24. The Licensee must not use the resources of the PROWEB platform in the event that it receives an appropriate order containing a requirement to stop using the resources of the PROWEB platform from the state body that regulates these relationships and has the appropriate powers in accordance with the current legislation of the EU and other countries.

1.25. Access to the PROWEB platform may be suspended for the Licensee in case of violation of paragraph 1 of the Rules, as well as if, in the reasonable opinion of the Licensor, the use of the resources of the PROWEB platform may cause damage to the Licensor and/or third parties.